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Every day many Indonesians use Serelia products to grow healthy, feel good, look good, and get more out of life. Made of healthy natural raw materials, we have a unique opportunity to work with consumers to uncover the power of healthy food to increase the life quality of us, today and for generations to come. Take a look at our categories: cereals, and dairy and find out about our brands.


Cereal products that present with special taste from arrowroot starch. Made of a perfect combination of natural ingredients that are arrowroot starch, coconut palm sugar, and etawa goat milk. Not only able to fulfill your needs for a delicious breakfast, but also meet your daily nutrition intake, provide health and medical benefits, and support a healthier lifestyle. Gaining all benefits in one product.


Dairy products that present with special taste from the best Etawa goat milk. Made of a perfect combination of natural ingredients that are Etawa goat milk and coconut sugar.