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CSR Social Action “Distribution of Healthy Food Aid to ISOMANs Affected by COVID 19”

Yogyakarta-12 August 2021 – CV Serelia Prima Nutrition held Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities as a form of corporate social responsibility to society and the country. The activity, which was attended by several employees, collaborated with MCCC Lazizmu Sewon Utara to distribute aid packages to community members who were self-isolating at home. The assistance provided was in the form of Oriflakes Cereal Porridge and Etawa Origoat Goat Milk with a total of 164 boxes.

This activity is carried out while maintaining health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, distributing gifts in turns/not crowding, and using hand sanitizer.

It is hoped that this assistance will increase public awareness to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it helps the community to get benefits such as nourishing the body and helping the body’s immune to increase.